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Walla Walla High School Renovation

Walla Walla High School Renovation

(Built in 1963 / additions in 1984 & 1990)

bond2018 wahi


$37.18M Local + $40.07M Eligible State Match
>> $129/sq ft local cost to taxpayer 
*($268/sq ft total facility construction costs)

1. Minor improvements to vocational building
2. Remove all 16 portable classrooms
3. Minor improvements to auditorium
4. Modest addition to support band/choir/orchestra needs
5. Repurpose 1963 music building into small performance area for theater/performing arts needs
6. Renovate 1963 existing classrooms
7. Replace fitness shed with permanent structure
8. Renovate original 1963 lockers and classrooms
9. Modest improvements to 1963 gym
10. Minimal improvements to main gym
11. Renovate 1963 commons and kitchen
12. Minor improvements to media center
13. Two additional classrooms for culinary arts/CTE
14. New science wing to match existing architecture
15. Improved ADA accessibility
16. Parking lot traffic flow improvements
17. Commons addition and student hub
18. Renovate greenhouse
19. Parking & service area improvements
20. Parking addition
21. Improved parking and access
22. Renovate existing classrooms
23. Partner with County on intersection and road improvements


*All facility construction costs including life-safety, seismic upgrades, inflation adjustments, contingency, design/engineering fees, abatement costs, permitting fees and taxes.


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WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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