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Mission Statement

The mission of the K-12 science teachers in Walla Walla Public Schools is to create a student-centered learning environment in which all students become scientifically literate.

In order to prepare our students to effectively use scientific knowledge, Walla Walla Public Schools and the Walla Walla community will provide a balanced science program combining process skills and content knowledge through the implementation of inquiry-based instructional practices.

Scope and Sequence

The following scope and sequence of K-5 materials are from Amplify. For additional information on these materials please click on the following link: Amplify Science

6-8 materials are expected to be updated during the 2022-23 school year. 


Earth  Science

Life Science

Physical Science


Sunlight and Weather

Needs of Plants and Animals

Pushes and Pull


Spinning Earth

Animals and Plant Defenses 

Light and Sound


Changing Landforms

Plant and Animal Relationships

Properties of Materials


Weather and Climate

Inheritance and Traits of Environment and Survival

Balancing Forces


Earth's Features

Vision and Light

Energy Conversions Waves, Energy, and Information


Patterns of Earth and Sky

Ecosystem Restoration

Modeling Matter

6 Weather and Climate-STC Ecosystems and Their Interactions-STC  Electricity, Waves and Information Transfer-STC
 7 Earth's Dynamic Systems-STC Structure and Function-STC Matter and Its Interactions-STC
 8 Space System Exploration-STC Genes and Molecular Machines-STC Energy, Forces, and Motion-STC

If you have any questions about the materials, or would like to see the materials, please reach out to the Teaching and Learning Department’s Curriculum Coordinator at 509-526-6783.

Science Education Standards

The Next Generation Science Standards are a new set of standards that provide consistent science education through all grades, with an emphasis on engineering and technology. Superintendent Randy Dorn formally adopted the NGSS on October 1, 2013, and announced with Governor Jay Inslee on October 4. Washington is the eighth state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards.

The NGSS describe -- at each grade from kindergarten through fifth grade, at middle school and at high school -- what each student should know in the four domains of science: physical science; life science; earth and space science; and engineering, technology and science application.

Washington State Science and Learning Standards

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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