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Hisaw steps away from Football Program

Walla Walla High School Head Football Coach Eric Hisaw has resigned his position after eight seasons as the Blue Devil gridiron leader. Hisaw has two teenage boys who will both be at Wa-Hi next year and says he is planning to spend more time supporting their activities.

“My oldest son will be on a very talented cross country team and my youngest will be playing 9th grade football,” said Hisaw. “I want to be at everything they do, and have missed too many of their events while being head football coach.”

Hisaw says his time as head football coach has been a highlight of his educational career. He says he will miss his time with the student-athletes, game and practice preparation and life-changing opportunities to positively impact the lives of young people.

“It has always been a dream of mine to be a head football coach, and I will hold these years dear to my heart forever,” said Hisaw. “I wish the Blue Devil Football program the very best in the future.”

Hisaw said he wanted to make his announcement at this time to allow ample time to hire a new coach and ensure the off-season tasks would not be interrupted. District Athletic Director Dirk Hansen appreciates Hisaw’s leadership, professionalism and passion for Wa-Hi football.

“I would like to thank Coach Eric Hisaw for his service as Head Football Coach for Walla Walla High School,” said Hansen. “Coach Hisaw has a strong desire to spend more time with his family and is excited to follow his two boys as they participate in athletics at Wa-Hi.”

A job posting for a new head football coach is being prepared and will be made public soon.


WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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