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Grant-Herriot wins state speech

Grant-Herriot takes state title in Original Oratory
The Walla Walla High School Speech and Debate team captured another state individual title as Junior Maggie Grant-Herriot won in the category of Original Oratory. Grant-Herriot wrote and presented a speech on American culture's obsession with celebrities. This is her first time competing in the state finals. Her sister, Hope Grant-Herriot (Class of 2013) was also State Champion in Oratory. Walla Walla High School has had three state champions in Individual Events in the three years. The State Individual Events Tournament was held at the University of Puget Sound.

Students from Walla Walla High School competed in five of eight events: Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu, Original Oratory, Expository and Interpretive Reading.

“Students from Wa-Hi made it to finals in every event we competed in,” said Coach Jean Tobin. “This is a first for our team and a significant accomplishment. At least 70 students competed in each event from schools all over the State. Approximately 500 students attended the tournament.”

Competing in Expository, Junior Emma Gregorie made it to finals for the first time. Her speech was on the scientific and medical uses of cadavers. She placed 5th overall.

In Interpretive Reading (IR), Junior Anna Apostolidis-Morefield presented selections addressing the theme of modern day slavery. Anna placed 6th in Interpretive Reading. She has been in finals at State every year since she was a freshman. Last year ,she was State Champion in Expository. This is her first time making it to finals at State in Interpretive Reading and the first time Wa-Hi has had a student in IR State finals.

Senior Kendall Dunovant advanced to the finals in both Extemp and Impromptu. She placed 4th in Extemporaneous speaking, discussing the GOP chances of taking over the Senate in 2014. She placed 3rd in Impromptu with a speech on wisdom. This was her first time in finals at State and the first time a Walla Walla student made it to finals in either event.

Wa-Hi also placed 5th in the State Overall in Sweepstakes for the second time in a row.

“I am very, very proud of these students,” Tobin said. “They worked very hard to achieve this success and devoted a lot of time and energy to competition.”

Tobin also thanked volunteers Annie Capestany and Jim Hanson for devoting many hours to the team. The season concludes this weekend at the University of Puget Sound with the State Debate Tournament. Seven students will be competing in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Congressional Debate and Policy Debate.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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