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Interim Superintendent Application

Invitation to Apply for Interim Superintendent

The Walla Walla Public Schools Board of Directors announces its search for an Interim Superintendent for the 2014-15 school year to replace Superintendent Mick Miller who has accepted an assistant superintendent position at Northeast Washington Educational Service District 101 in Spokane.

Position Responsibilities:
· Provide leadership to the school board and work effectively under the direction of the board
· Promote a common vision for future success of the school district and continue effective communication to build unity within and among the school board, central office personnel and each building level staff to transfer the vision into practical application
· Inspire staff and community trust in the school district and build a “team spirit” among stakeholders
· Communicate openly and effectively with a wide variety of individuals and audiences, with willingness to listen, accept and respect others’ points of view
· Recruit, employ, train and retain the highest quality teachers, administrators and support staff, then provide recognition for good work to individuals in all job categories
· Embrace parent involvement as a key to success in improving student achievement
· Meet state and federal academic achievement standards while keeping learning interesting and relevant to students
· Provide adequate, safe and efficient facilities, with appropriate technological capacities, for all students, teachers and support staff
· Respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse community and student population by addressing the issue of cultural, social and economic differences
· Assist the school board in the process of selection of a superintendent search firm to select the permanent superintendent

Desired Qualifications:
· Experience as a School District Superintendent or Central Office Administrator
· Washington State Superintendent Certification

Application and Selection Calendar:
· Applications now accepted
· Application deadline: 4 p.m. Friday, June 13, 2014
· Screening of applicants: Tuesday, June 17
· Finalist interviews: Week of June 23-27

Completed application will include:
· Formal letter of application (with applicant contact information)
· A current resume (which includes three professional references)
· Submit application packet to: (due Friday, June 13 by 4 p.m.)
- President Anne Golden, WWPS Board of Directors
- c/o Walla Walla Public Schools (Betsy Adkins, Administrative Assistant)
- 364 S. Park St., Walla Walla, WA 99362
- 509.526.6715 (office) / 509.529.7713 (FAX)
- Email application packets to: badkins@wwps.org

· The Board will negotiate a contract with a competitive salary based on the candidate’s experience and proven abilities.
· Walla Walla Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer. The district complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, or presence of any disability.

About Walla Walla Public Schools:
· The district has six elementary schools, two middle schools, one alternative high school and one comprehensive high school.
· 6194 students
· Free & reduced meals - 54%
· Ethnicity
- Caucasian - 64%
- Hispanic - 31%
- African American - 2%
- Asian - 2%
- Native American - 1%
· 800 employees
· Operating budget: $65,000,000
· No double Levy failures
· Budget maintains healthy reserve
· District maintains an A1 Bond Rating
· 80% of teachers hold a master’s degree
· Strong energy management program
· Safe Schools standards met

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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