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Changes in State Testing

The 2014-15 school year will see marked changes to the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program, as the Smarter Balanced assessments will be in their first year of full implementation. The new Smarter Balanced assessments will replace the MSP this year, and will also gradually replace the HSPE and End of Course exams, with full implementation in place for the Class of 2019 (see this link for specific information on the phased-in graduation requirements for state testing: https://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/StateTesting/)

This new generation of student assessments will be taken completely online, with results available to schools and families much more quickly than is currently the case. The Smarter Balanced website has lots of resources for families and educators, including sample tests showcasing the sophisticated technology used to engage students. www.smarterbalanced.org

Other Assessments in WWPS
• Screening: These provide a baseline measurement for students’ understanding of different subject areas. They also can be used to identify students who might be “at risk” for not succeeding in a subject area.

• Progress Monitoring: These are used to determine if students are learning critical skills at an adequate rate throughout the school year.

• Diagnostic: These are used to identify specific skills or areas in which a student might benefit from additional assistance.

• Outcome: These evaluate the effectiveness of instruction for meeting educational goals for all students. They also ensure that students are making adequate yearly progress. Assessment results help teachers determine strengths of students as well as areas of focus. Assessments used include the following tests: STAR reading, STAR math, DIBELSNEXT/IDEL reading, and AIMSweb math.

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