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NCLB Parent Letters

Walla Walla Public Schools to notify parents district schools did not meet federal academic progress targets

Thousands of Walla Walla Public Schools parents will receive letters in the mail this week informing them their child’s school did not meet federal academic progress targets. This action stems from the U.S. Department of Education’s denial of a state waiver to ease No Child Left Behind Adequate Year Progress (AYP) requirements which lists most schools in the state as failing.

“For schools to meet AYP this year, 100 percent of all students – regardless of special needs or English Language proficiency – must meet proficiency standards,” said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Linda Boggs who manages the district’s Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department. “We feel these unrealistic requirements are overly demanding and regressive as we know not all schools in our state are failing.”

The loss of the waiver has a significant economic impact on the district as well. In order to receive the $1.4 million in Title I funding, Walla Walla Public Schools must set aside 20 percent of these funds to pay for students to transfer to a school that meets the federal requirements or pay for private tutoring. Title I funds were established by the federal government to be used at schools with high poverty rates.

Edison and Blue Ridge Elementary and Garrison and Pioneer Middle Schools and Lincoln High School families are receiving letters this week. The others schools escaped receiving notifications due to complex federal and state rules.

“While not all students have reached proficiency, we are proud of the academic growth our students are making,” Boggs said. “Our use of target resources to assist struggling students and schools has made a significant difference in their academic achievement.”

Parents are encouraged to talk to their school principal for more information.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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