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Tipline available

District offers anonymous tip line for school safety
As a student or parent, you have the power to keep our school district safe. Administrators rely on you to be their eyes and ears - letting them know when a member of our schools or a district building is in danger. Be a life saver and help stop school crises before they happen!

The SafeSchools LiveTip is a completely anonymous, toll-free tip line that you can access 24/7/365 any time you need to tip off school administration about a potential crisis:
• School Violence - weapons, bomb threats, fights
• School Damage - vandalism, theft
• Gang Activity
• Physical / Sexual Abuse or Harassment • Discrimination
• Drug & Alcohol Issues

• A recorded message will prompt the caller to either speak with a live operator or leave a recorded message.
• Live operators are available 24/7/365 to take emergency calls.
• Messages are transcribed and emailed to the assigned district contacts. In the case of an emergency, district administrators are called at work, home, or on their cell phones.
• Each call is assigned a case number the district can use for follow up.

TO REPORT A TIP, CALL: 1-866-LIVE-TIP - EXT. 570 (1-866-548-3847 - EXT. 570)

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

Vector Solutions - Vector Alert Safe Schools Tip Line: 855.976.8772  |  Online Tip Reporting System