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Public Common Core review

Public invited to learn more about Common Core aligned assessments through online review
Common Core standards and the assessments aligned to test student learning have received a lot of attention in recent months. Walla Walla community members have an opportunity to learn about the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium and the Common Core Standards as part of an online panel.

Participants may select a time convenient for their schedule during the open window period of October 6-17. Panelists can complete the activity at any time during the two-day window they selected, in one sitting or in multiple sittings. All registrations must be submitted by September 19, 2014.

This unique opportunity will allow thousands of K-12 educators, higher education faculty, parents, and other interested parties to participate virtually in recommending a score for grade-level proficiency. This activity will also provide input and ensure that the results from these Common Core-aligned assessments are based on challenging, yet fair expectations for students.

Participating in the Online Panel will take up to three hours to complete an orientation, review test questions, and recommend a score. The Online Panel requires the use of a personal or office computer or tablet.

Registration Instructions:
- Log on the Smarter Balanced home page at www.smarterbalanced.org
- Click on the Register Now – Online Panel October 6-17, 2014
- Follow the registration instructions and complete the online sign-up form

For more information on this exciting opportunity, contact Casey Monahan in the WWPS Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department:
- cmonahan@wwps.org
- 509.526.6783

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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