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JROTC Cadet of Month

Wa-Hi selects Jr. ROTC Cadet of the Month for March
The Walla Walla High School JROTC “Blue Devils” Cadet Battalion has selected its “Cadet of the Month” for March 2015 and rewarded his achievement with an immediate promotion.

Cadet Pvt. 1st Class Benjamin Bialozor was promoted to his new rank after he won the top spot with a total score of 594 points, according to the presiding official on the board.

The top Cadet was selected from three candidates who were inspected and examined in oral interviews by a board of eight advanced cadets, according to Lt. Col. Bill Bialozor, Senior Army Instructor for the Walla Walla High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program.

Private Bialozor said that he joined JROTC because he vowed not to make the same mistake that his sister Kaylee did, which was not joining the program her freshman year. He enjoys reading and plans on going to college to become a writer.

“This is a rigorous competition and challenges every candidate. His confidence was beyond outstanding," said Cadet Command Sgt. Maj. Jerome Minster, president of the selection board.

First runner up was Cadet Pvt. 1st Class Bethany Roulston of Foxtrot Company, whose strongest suit was her reporting-out procedure with 564 points. Second runner up was Cadet Pvt. 1st Class Byrch Hurley of Delta Company, whose strongest suit was his reporting-in procedure with 473 points.

Wa-Hi JROTC Cadets participate in the program to develop leadership skills and to strive to be better citizens in society. Many cadets compete with drill, marksmanship, and physical training teams as well as attend the class. These cadets get to travel to and compete in drill meets at 16 other schools in the Cascade Division that include Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy cadet programs.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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