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Music competition results

Music competition results

Vocal Solo & Ensemble Results
Congratulations to the following singers, who were named as winners or alternates in their categories for the CBMEA
Regional Vocal Solo & Ensemble Contest. The winners will represent Wa-Hi and the region at the State Solo & Ensemble
Contest in April. Go Blue Devils!

- State Nominee - Kaity Calhoun
- First Alternates - Sydney Butcher and Emma Maxwell

- State Nominee - Gina Lincoln
- First Alternate - Sarah Gibbs
- Second Alternate - Anna Apostolidis

- State Nominee - Talia Grandstaff

- First Alternate - Stewart Rowley

- Second Alternate - James Innes

- First Alternate - Elden Griggs

- State Nominee - “P.I.C.”, members Gina Lincoln and Kylee Wagner

State Nominee - “The S.Q.U.A.D.”, members Rachel Adams, Hallyn Boggs, Olivia Buob, Sydney Butcher, Caitlin
Christen, Kaysie Clayton, Emily Coleman, Katie Jo Cooke, Alandra Dalan, Kailee Hudson, Erika Leinweber, Cady Luxton,
Malyn Osborn, Katy Payne, Tea Steelman, and Sophia Gregoire
Second Alternate - “Belles Voix”, members Alandra Dalan, Sydney Butcher, Annalise Juergensen, Emma Maxwell, Kailee
Hudson, Hallyn Boggs, Ali Beigh, Olivia Buob, Adelyn Chamberlain, Lydia Gogl, Erika Leinweber, Kaysie Clayton, Jessica
Newberry, Katy Payne, and Kelsey Wagner

First Alternate - “Forza”, members Austin Chamberlain, Madison Garrett, Sarah Gibbs, Elden Griggs, James Innes, Gina
Lincoln, Stewart Rowley, and Kylee Wagner

Walla Walla School Jazz Band Perform at Lionel Hampton in Moscow
Congratulations to the Wa-Hi, Garrison and Pioneer Jazz Bands for performing in the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival February 25 - 28. They performed and had the opportunity to listen to adjudicators from all around the world and performers from all around the country. In addition to their adjudicated ratings - Nate Miller, a 7th Grader in the Garrison Middle School Jazz Band, was awarded “A Noteworthy Solo Performance” award from the festival. This was his second year in a row winning this honor.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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