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Board clears final hurdle for new Wa-Hi track

School board clears final hurdle for new Walla Walla High School track

WALLA WALLA – Construction on a new all-weather track at Walla Walla High School could begin next month after the Walla Walla Public Schools Board of Directors last night unanimously voted to increase the district’s contribution for the project. The school board voted to authorize the use of the $100,000 track project contingency fund and add another $50,000 to ensure the $875,000 project was adequately funded. The district previously committed $150,000 for the project, bringing the total district contribution to $300,000. The remaining funds, about two-thirds of the revenue needed for the track project, were raised privately by the Big Blue Boosters under the leadership of Scott Krivoshein.

In July, the school board unanimously rejected all bids for a new track after they came in higher than anticipated. After the bids were rejected, Facilities Support Director Dan Johnson reached out to the King County Directors Association, a buying co-op that provides member school districts with predetermined preferential pricing by approved vendors whose product has already been bid at a national level, to get a bid on a track. FieldTurf in conjunction with Beynon Sports Surfaces presented a bid of $875,000 for a 9-lane, blue track. This price, which includes tax, but does remove fencing and concrete work temporarily that was associated with the original bids, is approximately $50,000 less than the lowest bid in July for a similar track. These cost savings efforts and the additional district funds allowed the project to move ahead using the KCDA bid. The school district had considered waiting until winter to put the track project up for public bid, prior to agreeing to contract with KCDA.

“We have learned from the bid process and KCDA that this is what it cost to do this project so it doesn’t make sense to wait when we can get started now and have it ready for next spring’s track season,” said School Board President Sam Wells. “This is a great deal for the district to get a quality facility like this for only about one-third of the cost thanks to the generous community support for the project.”

Walla Walla High School is currently the only 4A school in the state to have a cinder track for physical education classes and track and field competitions. The current 50-year-old cinder Wa-Hi track is no longer suitable for physical education classes or the school’s successful Track & Field program. Currently, Track & Field practice and events are held at the aging Martin Field facility at the Borleske Stadium site.  The new track will also eliminate $8000 in transportation costs annually to bus track athletes to Martin Field. It will also improve safety as students will not be driving across town daily for practice. The facility will also be available for community events and public use for walking and fitness.

“We have waited a long time for this moment and I’m excited for our kids and community,” said Track coach and Physical Education Teacher Eric Hisaw. “I look forward to seeing the renewed energy in our students as they use this wonderful facility.”

Construction is expected to begin in mid-September pending final approval from Walla Walla County for all permits.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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