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Blue Ridge Elementary fire clean-up continues to make progress

Blue Ridge Elementary fire clean-up continues to make progress

TUESDAY, AUGUST 21: WALLA WALLA - Clean up continues at Blue Ridge Elementary School in Walla Walla following a Monday morning fire in the school's basement near the kitchen area which caused minor structural losses and significant water and smoke damage. There were no injuries as a result of the fire.

The building is not open for use until further notice. The school is expected to be open for the first day of school on September 4. The district will conduct an air quality test to ensure the school is safe for re-entry prior to allowing staff and students back into the building.

"We have had an outpouring of individuals and businesses volunteering to help clean up the school so it is ready for children on the first day of school," said Superintendent Mick Miller. "In difficult times like these we are reminded of what a special place Walla Walla is and how thankful we are for the continued support."

Yesterday, Cascade Fire Sprinklers replaced the impacted fire suppression sprinkler system and made all necessary repairs to ensure the system is functional. Walla Walla Electric tested and reset the fire alarm system and is in the process of inspecting all Blue Ridge smoke detectors. Renovation Specialists began demolition of the damaged structural areas. JRCC of Spokane installed fans to dry out the gym floor.

Today, Clean and Home Restoration of Walla Walla is chemically fogging the entire building to remove the smoke smell.

Beginning Wednesday morning, Clean and Home Restoration will start cleaning and disinfecting the entire building. Renovation Specialists will begin construction to replace the damaged portion of the building. Work crews will continue the clean up and repair process as needed to ensure the school is ready for use as soon as possible.

The district's Transportation Cooperative, located at 1162 Entley St. near Koncrete Industries, will serve as the temporary location the week of August 20 through 24 for Blue Ridge and preschool families registering students or needing back to school information. The telephone number at the Transportation Cooperative is 527-3019.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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