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YONDR Phone-Free Schools

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District teams with Yondr to support existing cell phone policies at both middle schools

The mission of Walla Walla Public Schools rests on ensuring a safe and orderly educational environment where every student achieves ambitious levels of learning through relevant and rigorous educational experiences. Cell phone access during the school day conflicts with this mission. As a result, the district has chosen to partner with Yondr to support its existing policy of a cell phone-free environment at both middle schools next year.

Beginning in August 2024, students at Pioneer and Garrison Middle Schools in grades 6-8 will be required to place all personal electronic devices, including phones, smartwatches, and earbuds, in a district-provided Yondr pouch that is kept sealed during the school day with a magnetized locking device.

The Yondr pouch, which is used in an increasing number of schools across the country, has a magnetic lock that can only be opened using a special unlocking device. Each student will be assigned a Yondr pouch at the beginning of the school year. Students will be in possession of their devices in their locked Yondr pouches throughout the day.

When students enter the school in the morning, they will turn off their devices and place them in their individual Yondr pouch. The pouch then locks and students can keep it with them all day. At the end of the school day, students are able to unlock the pouch at one of several locations within the building.

Students with documented medical issues, for example those who use their phones to monitor blood sugar, would be provided with a pouch that secures only with Velcro, rather than a magnetic lock, to allow for instant access to their phone.

“After an extensive period researching Yondr pouches, we feel strongly that their use at the middle schools this fall will lead to increased student engagement, decreased behavioral incidents, and improved academic outcomes,” said Superintendent Dr. Wade Smith. “We have been looking for an effective solution to cell phone distractions in the academic environment. We believe the Yondr pouches will eliminate those distractions and improve peer-to-peer relationships and the well-being of our students.”

Cell phone data

Additional information will be shared with students, staff and parents over the summer and in the first several days of the 2024-25 school year as implementation of Yondr pouches begins at both middle schools.

Yondr pouches will only be implemented at the middle schools to start the 2024-2025 school year. The district may consider extending Yondr to its high school campuses after it reviews middle school results and consults with students, families, faculty and the school board. Cell phones and personal devices are currently not allowed to be used by students during the day at the elementary schools and must be stored in backpacks in classroom cubbies or similar storage areas.

More information can be found in the WWPS Yondr Frequently Asked Questions below.

Educator testimonials

What About During a Safety Event?

The district put considerable thought and research into this specific scenario before considering moving forward with Yondr, as we knew this would be a question parents and community may have. What was learned from school safety professionals was very reassuring. Leading experts like the National School Safety and Security Services identify that student cell phone use during school emergencies may actually decrease student safety. 

Reviews of national safety incidents have shown that rather than following safety instructions and procedures from adults, and taking proactive, precautionary measures, many students become distracted trying to make calls/texts, respond to calls/texts, or accessing social media during the event. This can place students in a far more precarious and less safe circumstance. 

Experts recommend that as soon as students are safe, and/or the situation is resolved, that pouches be opened so students can communicate with families. For this reason, the district has procured many remote hand-held unlocking devices that are able to unlock the Yondr pouches at any location.  Additionally, it is important to point out that since the Yondr pouch does not block cell signals, parents are still able to track the location of their child through common phone carrier/app services like "Find my iPhone," FamilyLink, or Findmykids. 

We have provided additional information on our FAQ section below that covers additional concerns when students have immediate access to cell phones during emergencies.

Resources for Families and Community

Yondr Pouches Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Yondr pouch?

  • The Yondr pouch is a secure bag that is used to store an individual’s mobile device or devices. It is secured and unlocked with a special locking device.

How does it work?

  • As students enter school, they place their phone, smartwatch, etc. in their assigned Yondr pouch.
  • Students close and secure their Yondr pouch manually and keep it with them throughout the day.
  • When leaving school, students tap their Yondr pouch on a base unit to unlock it and have access to their devices.
  • More Details

Why is the school introducing Yondr pouches?

  • The middle schools are seeking to limit distractions in the classroom and improve overall student engagement, mental health and well-being.

How will students receive a Yondr pouch?

  • In August 2024, all students in grades 6-8 will be assigned a Yondr pouch to secure their phone, smartwatch, and/or earbuds. The pouch is the property of the school and is considered on loan to the
    student during the school year. Students are responsible for the Yondr pouch at all times and for bringing the pouch to and from school each day.

How will the process work at arrival and dismissal?

  • Upon entering school, students will turn off their phone and other similar technologies, place them inside of the Yondr pouch, and lock it. The pouch will be unlocked at the end of the school day at multiple locations upon exiting.

Will my student’s phone be safe?

  • Students are in possession of their phone – in their Yondr pouch – for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks.

What if a student needs to leave the building before dismissal?

  • If a student needs to leave school early for an approved early dismissal, personal appointment or other reason, students will be able to unlock their pouches at school prior to their departure. If returning to school during the instructional day, the Yondr pouch would be locked upon re-entry to the building.

What if a parent/guardian wants to reach their child during the school day?

  • We want our students to be engaged in their learning, but we understand that emergencies will occur. If you need to contact your child during the school day, call the main office or the attendance office. There are phones in every classroom and office in the school. Additionally, Yondr pouches can be unlocked temporarily at the office to allow students to access their phones for parent/family contact if necessary.

What if there is a school emergency?

  • School safety experts share that students having access to cell phones during school emergencies can negatively impact student safety for a variety of reasons. For example:
    • Student use of cell phones during an emergency can distract their attention from the critical safety and emergency directions given by staff.
    • Cell phone use by students during an emergency often results in inaccurate or incomplete information and, in doing so, may disrupt and delay effective public safety response.
    • Cell phone use by students can impede site safety by accelerating parental and community arrival at the scene of an emergency during times when officials may be attempting to evacuate students to another site.
    • Student cell phone use during an emergency may overload cell tower capacity, limiting critical school and first responder communication.
  • Once students are safe, if necessary, pouches can be unlocked via multiple handheld unlocking devices, so students can contact family members.
  • Communication with parents will continue to occur through the district’s mass notification and communication tools.

What if the Yondr pouch gets damaged or a student is caught on their phone?

  • The Yondr pouch is property of the school. If a student damages their pouch or is caught on their phone, they will be subject to disciplinary action. An administrator, or designee, will collect the
    phone/pouch and call home:
  • The parent/guardian will come to the school and pick up their child’s phone
  • Consequences may include: community service / detention / in-school suspension
  • Note: Damage consists of any signs that the physical integrity of the pouch has been compromised, whether intentional or unintentional, as determined by the school. If lost or damaged, replacement pouches can be purchased for $30.

What happens if a student doesn’t have their Yondr pouch?

  • The phone may be turned over to main office staff and secured in the school office until the end of the school day or parents may be contacted to come to school and pick the phone up.

What if a student needs their personal device for a medical issue?

  • Students who have a documented medical condition and who need a personal device for monitoring their condition will be provided with an alternate Yondr pouch which has immediate access.

Why can’t the school just implement a zero-tolerance policy and allow students to keep their phones put away?

  • Research shows asking students to simply put their phones away is not effective. 

Will students still be able to listen to music?

  • If permitted by the classroom teachers, students will be able to use headphones with cords to connect to their Chromebooks. All Bluetooth devices, including AirPods, smartwatches and other headphones, must be stored in the Yondr pouch.

What happens if a student forgets to unlock their pouch before leaving the building?

  • The school has many afterschool programs and athletic events. If the building is still open, students can return to unlock their pouch.

Can teachers have students use their personal devices for instructional purposes?

  • Teachers who request to have students use their phones for an instructional lesson will be able to borrow a mobile unlocking device as needed.

Do the Yondr Pouches block cell signals or the internet?

  • The Yondr pouches do not block cell signals or the internet. Students are expected to silent their devices before putting them in their Yondr pouch.

Will elementary schools be using Yondr pouches?

  • No, as cell phones or personal devices are not allowed at the elementary school. They must be kept at home or turned off and placed in their backpack throughout the instructional day.

What if I have additional questions?

  • The Yondr FAQs will be updated as the implementation begins. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly. Call or email the building principal.

Yondr benefits graphic

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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