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Picture Lab volunteers needed

Carnegie Picture Lab plans volunteer workshops
Looking for a fun way to get involved in your child’s classroom? Volunteer for Carnegie Picture Lab. Help teach an art history lesson or art project, or help behind the scenes -- you choose your level of time commitment.

Volunteer Training Workshops:
- Wednesday, September 16 from 5:30-7 p.m.
- Thursday, September 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Workshops are located at the Carnegie Picture Lab Studio, 515 E. Main Street, downtown Walla Walla. Questions? Email: info@carnegiepicturelab.com, or visit www.carnegiepicturelab.com, or call (509) 526-6921. Carnegie Picture Lab is a non-profit organization whose mission is to nourish creativity by supporting and enhancing art education for elementary school children in the Walla Walla Valley.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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