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Personnel Report (4/19/16)

Personnel Report (from April 19, 2016 school board meeting)
Administrative: Christy Krutulis, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, District Office

Certificated: Kristopher Bland, Special Education, Lincoln High School
Rhonda Clements, School Psychologist, Special Education
Donna Currier, School Psychologist (.4 FTE), Special Education
Madeline Dinsmore, Kindergarten, Berney Elementary School
Jamie Kemano, English, Walla Walla High School
Stacey Klingenberg, Title I, Blue Ridge Elementary School
Stephanie Kytola, English/Language Arts (.4 FTE), Pioneer Middle School
Shauna Millett, English, Walla Walla High School
Alyssa Moreno, English (temporary), Walla Walla High School
Marissa Payton, English/Language Arts, Pioneer Middle SchooL
Kaylie Piver, Special Education, Prospect Point Elementary School
Sara Strickland, Library Media Specialist (.5 FTE), Pioneer Middle School
Diane Wright, Special Education, Prospect Point Elementary School
Rebecca Wilson, Dual Second Grade, Sharpstein Elementary School

Classified: Patricia Crowe, Kitchen Assistant, Garrison Middle School
Michael Garcia, Custodian, Walla Walla High School
Juana Ramirez de Cervantes, Kitchen Assistant, Walla Walla High School
Marco Sierra, Custodian, Walla Walla High School
Raquel Villanueva, Para-Educator, Blue Ridge Elementary School

Certificated: Mike Gobel, Math, Walla Walla High School, 26 years
Jennifer Lewis, School Psychologist, Special Education, 2 years
Janifer Sams, Fifth Grade, Blue Ridge Elementary School, 23 years
(Janifer is resigning .5 FTE and will continue as a .5 FTE Library Media Specialist)

Classified: Cheryl Copeland, Health and Nutrition Coordinator, Blue Ridge Preschool Program, 5 years
Sharyl Dill, Health Clinician, Garrison Middle School, 33 yearS
Judy O’Brien, Special Education Records Secretary, Special Education, 21 years
(Judy is retiring at the end of the 2016-2017 school year)
Rita Reid, Library Technician, Garrison Middle School, 34 years
Sara Strickland, Library Technician, Pioneer Middle School, 5 years
(Sara is resigning 3.5 hours and will continue as a 3.5 hour Library Technician)
Barbara Thatcher, Intervention Specialist, Green Park Elementary School, 19 years

Classified: Denise Ongers, Assistant Secretary, Blue Ridge Preschool Program, 19 years
(April – June 2016)

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