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Sharpstein Principal to ESD 123


News Release from ESD 123
PASCO, WA -- Mr. Matthew Bona has been named as the new Director of Early Learning at Educational Service District (ESD) 123, effective July 1, 2016. The ESD Board of Directors approved Mr. Bona's appointment at their regular meeting on Thursday, April 28. 

Over the past five years, the ESD's Early Learning Department has grown exponentially, from small, targeted services, to what is now a comprehensive menu of services impacting hundreds of families across the region. ESD Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, JoAnn Henderson, was part of the selection committee who identified Bona as an outstanding candidate to meet the needs of the department. 

"Our vision is to create and support world class services designed to help all children, their families, school districts and the early learning community," Henderson says. "Matt brings the leadership skills, early learning and K-12 experience and, most importantly, the passion to help us achieve that goal." 

Bona currently serves as principal of Sharpstein Elementary School in Walla Walla, where he has worked since 2010. Prior to that, his experience included assistant principal, high school teacher, adjunct professor, and lecturer in schools and colleges across the Pacific Northwest. 

"High quality learning opportunities are critical in the early stages of a child's educational career," states Bona. "The work that we do as an Early Learning Department at ESD 123 will set children up for success as they continue on in their learning for years to come. I am honored that I will have this opportunity to have a positive influence in moving Early Learning forward in the region that ESD 123 serves." 

Bona will begin work in his new director role at the ESD on July 1. For more information, contact Communication & Graphics Coordinator, Molly Curtiss, at 509.544.5787 or mcurtiss@esd123.org


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