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Goals focus on math & literacy

Improved math and reading achievement focus areas of 2016-2017 district goals

The Walla Walla Public Schools Board of Directors set its sights on academic achievement gains in literacy and math through its unanimous approval of the 2016-2017 school year goals. The push for improvement in these areas falls on the heels of Tuesday’s release of state assessment results where the district is witnessing double digit dips below state averages in grade 3-8 in literacy and math. The district will also seek continued improvement of its already commendable high school retention trends by further lowering drop-out rates. Superintendent Wade Smith said the goals will hinge on student, superintendent and school board performance targets focusing on the learning needs of all students.

“Each elementary and middle school campus will incorporate best-practice instructional strategies, targeted interventions, and challenging enrichment opportunities, in order to deliver robust individualized improvement for all students in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics,” said Superintendent Smith who helped facilitate the goal-setting process. “The district will improve student retention rates in grades 9-12 as evidenced by a .5% decrease in dropout rates for all students, students of Hispanic race/ethnicity, and students of poverty.”

Superintendent Smith has been tasked with successfully completing all four phases of the Superintendent’s Entry Plan and leading the school district through an inclusive strategic planning process to be completed by Summer 2017.

The Board of Directors will develop internal operations centered on best-practices and leadership behaviors. They will also seek to improve stakeholder and community involvement through structured committees and open and transparent processes to ensure high levels of staff, parent and stakeholder involvement prior to policy-level decision making. Fiscal accountability to maintain sound fiscal stewardship of financial resources and supporting Superintendent Smith in the strategic planning process are also school board goal areas.

Superintendent Smith plans to update the school board and stakeholders through detailed progress reports during school board meetings several times this school year.  

2016-2017 Goals Summary

Goal 1: Student Performance Targets

-       Increase Elementary and Middle School Literacy and Math Achievement

-       Improve High School Retention Rates

Goal 2: Superintendent Performance Targets

-       Successful Implementation of Entry Plan

-       Lead Inclusive Strategic Planning Process

-       Demonstrated Excellence in Relationship Building

Goal 3: School Board Performance Targets

-       Improve Community Involvement

-       Establish Best Practices for Leadership

-       Ensure Fiscal Accountability and Transparency

-       Support Strategic Planning Process

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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