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New mission statement

New vision, mission and belief statements set district course

An important milestone in the district’s year-long Strategic Plan development process was reached Tuesday night as School Board members approved new Vision, Mission and Belief Statements for the district. This decision followed months of listening, data collecting and discussion as part of the district’s Strategic Planning initiative. Walla Walla Public Schools new vision is “Developing Washington’s most sought-after graduates.” School Board President Dr. David Hampson said the new statements represent community feedback received over the past several years.

“This is an exciting time for the school district as we continue our strategic planning process,” Dr. Hampson said. “Our new mission provides clarity and direction.”

Approved new Vision, Mission and Belief Statements 
Vision - Developing Washington’s most sought-after graduates

Walla Walla Public Schools ensures all students receive high quality instruction in an aligned and coherent system while addressing their social and emotional needs in a safe and engaging environment.

Belief Statement
We believe,
• in challenging and supporting all students
• quality instruction is critical to student success
• in investing in staff to ensure excellence
• in maximizing the impact of our resources
• in collaborative and transparent operation
• in the importance of family and community
• diversity is a strength

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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