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Bilingual Committee update/survey

Bilingual Program Committee studies concepts for program improvements; stakeholder survey input needed
By Christy Krutulis, Committee Chair and Executive Director of Teaching and Learning


Since last fall the Bilingual Education Recommendation Committee (BERC) has met 15 times to discuss current bilingual program strengths and concerns based on staff, parent and student input. The goal of the work is to provide the best possible bilingual programming for students in Walla Walla Public Schools. As a result of extensive work to address concerns about academic achievement, single strands in buildings, and a need for increased program consistency and collaboration, two concepts were formally presented this week to bilingual school staff and parents for input. The concepts being considered could impact both students enrolled in the bilingual program and students not enrolled in the bilingual program. We ask that all parents and stakeholders review the concepts and provide feedback.

Concept 1: A single elementary building is a K-5 dual building with all students participating in the dual program.
Concept 2: One elementary buildings is home to K-2 students in dual programming, but also has 2-3 traditional, English strands. A second elementary building is home to 3-5 students in dual programming, with 2-3 traditional, English strands.

Since the survey launched a third concept has surfaced. Opportunity to respond to this new concept will be available in the next few weeks.

Concept 3: Blue Ridge Elementary and one other current elementary dual building would house K-5 dual programming.

Please follow the work of the committee, by accessing all meeting presentations on the district website under, Bilingual Education Recommendation Committee — http://www.wwps.org/programs/bilingual/bilingual-education-recommendation-committee

Next steps toward a March 7 School Board decision on Bilingual Programming will include committee work to refine concepts to include specific building names. Parent and staff meetings will also occur in mid-February as the committee seeks additional input to further refine models before making a final recommendation to the School Board.

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