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Five Year Strategic Plan

District in final stages of developing new Five Year Strategic Plan 

Superintendent Wade Smith is finalizing measurement strategies and tools for monitoring progress of the district’s new five-year Strategic Plan. He plans to reveal this information to the school board and public during the May 2 school board meeting. This marks the final stage of a six month process to develop a long-range strategic plan. The process included an extensive listening campaign, multiple public school board work sessions, surveys and focus group meetings. Once adopted, detailed management plans will be honed to put the goals and initiatives into operation. 

2017-2022 Strategic Plan Overview

Vision: Developing Washington’s most sought-after graduates

Mission: Walla Walla Public Schools ensures all students receive high quality instruction in an aligned and coherent system while addressing their social and emotional needs in a safe and engaging environment.

Beliefs Statement - We believe:
· in challenging and supporting all students
· quality instruction is critical to student success
· in investing in staff to ensure excellence
· in maximizing the impact of our resources
· in collaborative and transparent operation
· in the importance of family and community
· diversity is a strength

Goal 1
High Quality Instruction: Supporting a districtwide culture where all instructional staff reflect on their practice, collaborate with their peers, and incorporate best-practice teaching strategies to ensure high levels of learning for all students

Shared Organizational Leadership
· Development and Support for School-based Instructional Leadership Teams
· Continued Use and Support for Board and District Committee Structures

Support for Best-practice Instructional Strategies
· Identification, Training and Implementation of Best-practice Instructional Strategies

Climate of Collaboration and Practitioner Reflection
· Fostering a Productive Climate of Collaboration (PLC’s) Where Staff are Encouraged to Take Risks, Share Successes/Failures, and Explore New Practices in Order to Improve Student Learning

Goal 2
Aligned & Coherent Systems: Ensuring articulated programs and systems to support a comprehensive, consistent, and responsive learning environment for all students

Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum
· Comprehensive Curriculum Adoption & Support Program
· PK-12 Pathways

Technology Systems Alignment
· Technology Program Development and Implementation

Bilingual, Highly Capable & Special Education Programs 
· Bilingual / Highly Capable / Special Education Program Support and Coordination

Enhancing Post-Secondary Culture
· Expanding Partnerships with Community, Business, and Outside Resources to Engage and Support Students with Post-secondary Options

Goal 3
Social & Emotional Needs: Implementing high-quality behavioral models and interventions to support the social and emotional needs of all students 

Schoolwide Behavioral Support Model Development
· Development and Implementation of Site-specific Models

District-wide Behavioral Coaching & Support
· Development of a District-wide Behavioral Support Program

School-Based Health Centers 
Support and Expand Student Access to School-Based Health Centers

Goal 4
Safe & Engaging Environment: Ensuring all students are engaged and connected to their school, peers, and community in a safe and secure educational setting 

District-wide Safety
· Ensure Best-practice Safety Response Program, Implement Reporting and Training Criteria, and Identify Physical Plant Improvements to Support Student, Staff, and Patron Safety

Student Engagement Program Enhancement
· Identification and Development of Programs to Improve Student Engagement and Involvement with School and Peers.
· Coordinated Support for Latino Students and Families

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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