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School remodeling top facilities need according to parents

ThoughtExchange results recommend renovations, repairs and upgrades

This winter, parents, students and community members had an opportunity to provide the district input via an online learning process — ThoughtExchange. This latest engagement, the district’s fourth with ThoughtExchange, focused on the district’s long-range facilities plan. A complete listing of the results, by school and the district, is here:
Engagement Results

Participation was open between February 13 and March 21, 2017. There were 413 people who participated. They contributed 808 thoughts and assigned 22,141 “stars. 91% percent of the participants were parents, 8% were students and less than 1% were community members. The information from this engagement will be used by the Community Facilities Task Force as it begins to develop solutions to address the identified facility needs. Look for another ThoughtExchange engagement this fall as this conversation continues.

Question 1: What are your concerns about our school facilities?

Top themes: (outdated facilities, temperature regulation, inadequate science labs for today’s requirements)
· Renovations, repairs & upgrades
· HVAC and electrical units
· Improved Science Labs and infrastructure

Question 2: What are some things you appreciate about our facilities?

Top themes: (beautiful and scenic campuses, spacious and well-equipped playgrounds and the new track)
· Facade, landscaping & maintenance
· Playgrounds
· New track at Walla Walla High School

Question 3: The district is considering many approaches to meet our future facility modernization needs. What are your thoughts on how we might prioritize these approaches?

The top themes (thoughtful and inclusive planning process, prioritization and design)
· Develop long-range facilities improvement plan to include needs of the future
· Prioritize plan based on need (Walla Walla High School and Lincoln High School top of the list; use current structures)
· Focus on classroom design and learning spaces first and then other needs

Other insights gained from the engagement:
· Lack of visitor parking space during pickup/drop-off hours and school events, congested traffic flow of buses and vehicles, as well as the safety of pedestrians in the crosswalk/student crossing.
· Safety and security including enclosed classrooms and a lockdown procedure for the open campus against intruders, as well as securing the main entrance/exits.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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