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Hispanic/Latino college-going rates soar

Walla Walla Public Schools boasts one of the state’s highest Hispanic/Latino college-going rates

Data released August 10 from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for the class of 2015 revealed 66.1% of graduating Hispanic/Latino seniors attended a post-secondary institution, 16% above the state average of 50.1%. This represents the 12th highest college-going rate for Hispanic students in Washington state, and the highest in the state when comparing Walla Walla’s data to similar demographic schools with modest levels of poverty and language diversity as defined by 30% or more poverty and 10% or more English Language Learners. This result represents three consecutive years of increase where Hispanic/Latino students’ college attendance has risen steadily from 47.5% in 2012.

Data for the graduating seniors representing all district students from the Class of 2015 was also impressive as a total of 66.5% of graduates enrolled in either a two or four-year public college, or private college, in or outside of Washington state, following high school. This recent data continues Walla Walla’s historic trend of outpacing the state’s college-going average, currently at 59.9%.

“This recently-released data continues to affirm the exceptional performance from our graduating seniors,” said Superintendent Wade Smith. “Our School Board’s continued emphasis towards our diverse populations, partnerships with regional higher education schools and universities, and exceptional staff, will ensure we continue our vision towards developing Washington’s most sought-after graduates.”

Walla Walla Public Schools’ college-going rate for all students at 66.5% was the strongest when compared to regional school districts of similar or larger size among the 17 ESD 123 schools. Results for all students, and especially that of Hispanic/Latino students, outpaced all district counterparts in Walla Walla, Benton and Franklin Counties. Accompanying the post-secondary enrollment data, OSPI also released college-remediation rates. This report tracks students who attended a Washington state public two or four-year college who enrolled in a remedial English or math course.

Results revealed that 50.2% of Walla Walla students enrolled in college remedial coursework, exceeding the state average of 32.9%. This statistic landed Walla Walla in the middle of the region’s performance results and highlights the Board of Director’s renewed emphasis to focus on this success indicator with the district’s new five-year Strategic Plan.

For more indepth information, you may access more data at http://www.k12.wa.us/.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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