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No Threat at Wa-Hi

Friday, Feb. 23: Please be advised - Wa-Hi officials received a tip this morning of a possible threat at today’s school assembly. This tip was promptly investigated and it was determined there is no threat. The school assembly is going on as planned. Thanks to local law enforcement for their support, guidance and presence. School safety remains the district’s top priority.

Superintendent Smith reaches out to staff on this issue:


I just returned from another great Wish Assembly at Walla Walla High School! A special thank you to Mr. McHie, the leadership students, and many talented acts for their incredible efforts and support in organizing such an amazing program.

Just prior to the start of the assembly school officials were informed by a parent of a possible threat that they overheard from their student. This tip was immediately investigated in cooperation with our local safety officials, resulting in the slight delay to the start of the program. The source of the rumor was quickly ascertained and we learned that that no threat was ever made. I want to commend Principal Higgins, SRO Deputy Thonney, and others on site who handled the matter professionally and promptly. In addition, I want to especially thank Sheriff Turner, Chief Bieber, and members from both of their departments who immediately responded and remained on site during the assembly so that everyone felt safe despite there being no risk.

These are incredibly sensitive times for all of us; students, staff, parents, and our community all mourn the recent loss of life in Florida and no doubt worry about the safety of each other locally. In matters such as these, we will always place the safety of our students and staff first, and today was no different. We have an incredible partnership with our local safety officials and first responders, and today’s actions highlighted the incredible collaboration, cooperation, and safety protocols in place between our entities.

Even though we discovered that there was no actual threat, I want to commend those who reported the message to us so that we could immediately respond and confirm the safety for all. This was exactly the right thing to do and I would encourage all of us to reinforce this message to students and staff alike. Whether it be a potentially unsafe condition, rumor, or the potential of someone harming his/herself, it is critical to report the information so that we can ensure our campuses remain a safe and welcoming environment for all.


Wade Smith
Walla Walla Public Schools
509.526.6714(office) / 501.510.0260(cell)
“Developing Washington’s most sought-after graduates”


WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

Vector Solutions - Vector Alert Safe Schools Tip Line: 855.976.8772  |  Online Tip Reporting System