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Drew Bledsoe returns to Walla Walla to support youth program

The 2015 Inaugural Celebrate Junior Achievement Breakfast was held Tuesday morning at the Reid Center on the campus of Whitman College. Walla Walla High School graduate and former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe was the keynote speaker. Pioneer Middle School student Katelyn Pitzer and Wa-Hi sophomore Poppy Small also addressed the packed ballroom about how Junior Achievement has had a positive impact on their school experiences. Pioneer Middle School Assistant Principal Ron Higgins is a JA Board member and challenged the group to empower the future by supporting Junior Achievement.

“I consider it a privilege to have grown up in Walla Walla,” Bledsoe said. “There are so many people who cared about me as I was growing up and to be able to come back and be part of this community again is a great feeling.”

Photo L-R: Ron Higgins, Katelyn Pitzer, Poppy Small, Drew Bledsoe and Daniela Murguia (JA of WA student ambassador)

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