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Board approves temporary waiver from new graduation requirements

Monday during a special school board meeting, the Walla Walla Public Schools Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution for a temporary waiver for the new high graduation requirements. School board member Dr. David Hampson was not present. A resolution from the local school board is required by the State Board of Education as part of the waiver application process.

The State Board of Education is increasing the number of credits required to graduate to 24, up from the previous state requirement of 20 credits. Walla Walla Public Schools currently requires 22 credits to graduate. The new high school graduation requirements are set to take place for the Class of 2019, this year’s 8th grade students. Walla Walla Public Schools is seeking a two year waiver which will impact the Class for 2021, this year’s 6th grade students.

We anticipate losing 300 plus students over the course of the next three years as College Place High School comes on board,” said Superintendent Dr. Bill Jordan. “Our staffing will be reduced accordingly and this additional two years will allow adequate planning time for this transition.”

A waiver will also allow the school board time to explore and implement more opportunities for students to earn high school credit. These include options such as College in the High School, adoption of new courses, offering high school level courses in the middle school, as well as time to further develop Career and Technical Education equivalencies within our high school curricula.

“Delaying the implementation will also allow our district to provide professional development to our teaching and counseling staff as it relates to the 24 credit graduation requirement,” said Jordan. “The additional time provided by this waiver allows us to develop a comprehensive communication plan to share the new graduation requirements with students, families and the community.”

The district’s waiver action plan will include:

  1. The high school principals and district Career and Technical Education Director will collaborate to develop new courses and course equivalencies consistent with our district goals.
  2. Principals and staff will develop relevant summer coursework for both initial credit opportunities and remediation.
  3. Principals and staff will explore options for changes in the school day district-wide so as to allow students more flexibility. 
  4. The entire teaching staff, community stakeholders and students will be made aware of the changes coming to the graduation requirements for the Class of 2021.
  5. The school board will hold a series of meetings to explore all of the possible course equivalencies and options for high school level credit. 

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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