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Wa-Hi receives State Achievement Award for 5th consecutive year

Walla Walla High School recipient of 2014 Washington Achievement Award for reading and math gains

Walla Walla High School is a recipient of the 2014 Washington Achievement Award. Washington Achievement Award winners are selected using the State Board of Education Revised Achievement Index and are based on statewide assessment data for the three previous years. The award is given in six categories: Overall Excellence, High Progress, Reading Growth, Math Growth, Extended Graduation Rate and English Language Acquisition. Walla Walla High School is being recognized for “High Progress.” This award represents the fifth consecutive year Walla Walla High School has received a Washington Achievement Award.

High Progress Definition
Schools qualify for recognition if they are in the top 10% of schools making the most progress in the performance of the all students group over three years. The Progress Score (PS) is computed by adding an Achievement Score (A) and an Improvement Score (I). Therefore, PS=A+I. Reading and math achievement are combined.

Progress is determined in two ways:

  1. Achievement Score - The Achievement Score is an average of proficiency rates in both reading and math for the past three years. Schools must have tested students in both reading and math for each year. Reading and math are weighted equally.
  2. Improvement Score - The Improvement Score is an average of improvement trends from year to year for the past three years (2010 to 2011; 2011 to 2012; and 2012 to 2013). Schools must have tested students in both reading and math for each year. Reading and math are weighted equally.

Schools with significant achievement gaps across subgroups that are not closing and schools identified as Priority, Focus or Emerging are not eligible for High Progress.

“This award reflects the dedication that our staff puts forth every day to improve our students education and their futures,” said Principal Pete Peterson. “This simply reinforces that we will continue to make improvements in our instruction and do everything we need to make sure every student graduates from Wa-Hi college and career ready.”

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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