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Strategic Planning Summit Success

District receives community input at Strategic Summit

Thursday evening school board members hosted a Strategic Planning Summit to get input on the district’s new Strategic Plan. The new Vision 2030 Plan focuses on student learning, rigor, culture of belonging and family partnerships.

Walla Walla Public Schools has utilized a number of different modes to ensure feedback from stakeholders was gathered, including ThoughtExchange electronic discussions, four surveys, 50 face-to-face listening sessions and 21 focus group meetings in English and Spanish. This fall district leaders began to synthesize this feedback and have developed a draft plan ready for public review and feedback which was on display last night. The district’s work will conclude this spring with the school board and leadership team operationalizing the plan in preparation for a 2023-24 school year implementation.

Thursday night guests were treated to a light dinner before having an opportunity to learn more about the draft plan and share input. School board members and district administrators were placed at four stations in the Wa-Hi Commons to highlight and discuss each of the plan’s four goals. The input was recorded and will be included in the outreach files along with additional feedback for future consideration.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and stand by for more updates in the coming weeks.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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