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Wa-Hi Teachers Tour Regional Schools

Thursday, Jan. 10, Walla Walla Walla High School staff serving on the Education Specification Bond Construction Planning Team toured Pullman High School, North Central High School (Spokane) and Ferris High School (Spokane) to review current educational designs and best practices. Representatives from Architects West and Wenaha Group construction management firm also participated.

These tours represent the launch of the Educational Specifications phase of the bond construction process with a goal of generating ideas and discussion about potential design decisions for the Walla Walla High School remodel.

“This step, referred to as ‘Ed Specs’, incorporates practitioner input in order to put some ‘meat’ to the general concepts approved by voters in November,” said Superintendent Wade Smith. “This input process helps inform a preliminary space layout and floorplan which is then shared with staff, community, students and others for continued input and refinement.”

The Ed Specs process will continue, with multiple opportunities for input, as the district slowly refines concepts into final construction documents over the coming months. Pioneer Middle School staff are tentatively set to tour regional schools in February.

PHOTO – Walla Walla High School science teachers (L-R) Jen Hein, Lenna Henry and art teacher Julie Laufenburg tour classrooms at Pullman High School.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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