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Blue Ridge Roof Solution

Replacing the nearly 40-year-old roof at Blue Ridge as a result of funding from the successful November 2018 bond election has proven to be an extensive planning process.

During the March 5 meeting, the School Board supported a unanimous recommendation from architects, roof consultant, Wenaha, and maintenance staff to replace the Blue Ridge roof system this summer using a "hybrid" approach.

"This concept will keep the look and feel of Blue Ridge, but does not put the dirt and sod back on the very top of the structure," said Superintendent Wade Smith. "Most stakeholders have never seen the very top of the roof as it is not visible from the street level."

The dirt and sod covered roof has led to problems over the years resulting in leaks. Gofers, rodents and watering the grass are the greatest factors. Also, the shallow soil levels on the very top provides a minimal R-value (R-4). The proposed new roof system will be minimum R-30 through the use of rigid insulation under the membrane covering.

The new roof will be more energy efficient, less expensive to install and maintain and safer thanks to a decorative fence surrounding the roof structure. Superintendent Smith reported the new design remains within the $1.3M project budget.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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