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Search Policies & Procedures

4260 - Use of School Facilities and Equipment



The board subscribes to the belief that public schools are owned and operated by and for the community. The public is encouraged to use school facilities but will be expected to reimburse the district for such use to ensure that funds intended for education are not used for other purposes. On recommendation of the superintendent, the board will set the rental rates schedule.

District-sponsored activities, including curricular and co-curricular functions, retain first priority in use of facilities. Authorization for use of school facilities will not be considered as endorsement or approval of the activity, group or organization.
The superintendent is authorized to establish procedures for use of school facilities, including rental rates, supervisory requirements, restrictions, and security. Those using school facilities will maintain insurance for accident and liability covering persons using the district’s facilities under the sponsorship of the organization. For rental rate purposes, organizations seeking the use of school facilities have been divided into four categories:

Group A (school sponsored organizations or activities, including PTSA groups) - Use should be allowed free whenever possible.

Group B (youth groups and organizations conducting a community educational activity) - No facility use fee shall be charged; however, the costs of custodial and cafeteria personnel and lab costs necessitated by the use shall be paid by the user.

Group C (nonprofit groups and organizations) - No facility use fee shall be charged; however, the costs of custodial and cafeteria personnel and lab costs necessitated by the use shall be paid by the user. If these groups charge admission, collect an offering, or sell merchandise (other than to offset meeting costs), rental fees as described for Group D shall be charged.

Group D (commercial, profit-making organizations) - These groups shall be charged a fee based upon the comparative rate charged for other local facilities. The fee will need to be determined on a case by case basis by the superintendent or designee.

Staff members are specifically prohibited from the use of school time, school facilities, or school vehicles and equipment for the conduct of private business activities, except within the guidelines established for such use by the general public.

Legal References: 
4.24.660 Liability of school districts under contracts with youth programs
28A.320.510 Night schools, summer schools, meetings, use of facilities for
28A.335.150 Permitting use and rental of playgrounds, athletic fields, or athletic facilities
28A.335.155 Use of buildings for youth programs – Limited immunity
20 USC Sec. 7905 Boy Scouts of American Equal Access Act
34 CFR Sec. 108.6 Equal Access to Public School Facilities for the Boy Scouts of America and Other Designated Youth Groups
AGO 1973 No. 26 Initiative No. 276 School districts--Use of school facilities for presentation of programs-- Legislature--Elections
Management Resources:
  Policy News, August 2009
  Concussion and Head Injuries Legislation


Adopted by the Board: July 16, 2002

Revised: January 15, 2008

Revised: December 18, 2012

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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