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Search Policies & Procedures

1115 (P) - Vacancies



When a vacancy occurs on the board the following procedure will be used to identify and appoint citizens to fill board vacancies:

A. Announcement of the vacancy and the process for filling it shall be made in the general news media and other district channels as appropriate.

B. All citizens will be invited to apply for the position provided that the applicant is a United States Citizen and qualified voter resident in the school district.

C. Interested applicants will request application materials from the board secretary and must comply with all timelines and application requirements in order to be considered.

D. If there are more than five completed applications received, the Board President and Vice President may screen applications and select for interviews those nominees whose prior experience and expressed interest suggest that they will be most able to contribute breadth of view to the board's deliberations as well as effectively represent a large segment of the community.

E. Possible topics to discuss during the interview are:
• Review the WSSDA Board Standards with the group of board nominees.
• Give a brief biographical sketch of self: training, interests, experience on governing boards, community, and/or school activities, etc.
• Describe the major strengths of the district.
• Describe any perceived areas of improvement of the district.
• Describe how the nominee’s experience, training, and interest can contribute to the improvement of the district and fellow board members.
• Identify any commitments which might prevent the nominee from attending regularly scheduled meetings, participation in workshops, reviewing study materials, etc.
• Describe the nominee’s understanding and willingness to adhere to the WWPS Board Operating Protocols.
• Identify any conflicts of interest per Policy 1610.
• Allow the applicant an opportunity to ask any questions.
The Board may meet in executive session to evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to the board; however, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to the board will be in a meeting open to the public.


Revised: September 2022

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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