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1250 (P) - Students On Governing Boards



A. Selection and Term of Office

The board will seek to maintain two Student School Board Representatives with the goal of one high school senior and one high school underclassman (e.g. junior or sophomore). In April, the Superintendent will invite students from the district’s high schools/programs to apply to be a student representative to the board. The student applicants will complete an application process that identifies the student’s academic year of enrollment, personal experience and background, and a personal statement of interest. The entire board, or specific board representatives, will review the applications received and select candidates for interview. Interviews may occur before the entire board in open session, or by a committee of two board members and the superintendent. Recognizing the impressive diversity of experience and background amongst the district’s student body, the board will seek to select students who are able to represent such diversity of thought and perspective.

Student representatives will serve a term that begins in August and ends in July. Senior representatives will serve as a mentor to the underclassman representative. It is the expectation the underclassman representative serve a two-year term in order to mentor the incoming representative the following year.

The board may remove a student representative during the term if they become ineligible or fail to fulfill their responsibilities. In the event a vacancy arises prior to the expiration of the term, an alternate will be appointed to fill the vacancy.

After student representatives are selected, they will receive an orientation session provided by the superintendent (or designee) and at least one member of the board of directors. During this meeting, student representatives will be given the opportunity to learn about the work of the board, board goals, priorities and operating protocols, the district’s strategic plan, meeting agendas and processes.

B. Responsibilities
Student representatives will obey all rules and regulations pertaining to board members. Student representatives will receive copies of all regular meeting agendas, minutes and other relevant information, excluding executive session materials. At least one student representative will be expected to attend, remotely or in-person, each regular board business meeting, study session and board retreat when applicable. Student representatives are encouraged to attend all meetings. If neither student representative is able to attend, the senior student representative will notify the board president and superintendent in advance of the absence.

The role of the student representative will be to:
1. Provide student perspectives with the board during study items when applicable.
2. Serve as a liaison between the students of the district through the established student government, communications networks and informal engagements.
3. Report back to students about the work of the school district and the board of directors.

To enhance their perspective, when appropriate, student representatives are encouraged to participate in established administrative committees (e.g. Student Health Advisory Committee, Instructional Materials Committee, Equity and Access Committee).

The Superintendent will serve as the primary point of contact for student representative questions.

Student representatives are encouraged to identify any additional materials or resources needed to support their participation on the Board and carry out their responsibilities.

In support of student representatives, board members are expected to:
1. Be accessible to, engage with, provide guidance to and maintain professional working relations with each of the student representatives.
2. Share with student representatives opportunities to contribute to student voice and agency.
3. Consider the opinions and perspectives of student representatives before making decisions on district matters that affect the student body.

C. Opportunities
Additionally, student representatives will be given the opportunity to:
1. Earn .5 high school government credit per year through articulation.
2. Visit schools and meet with student groups in the district.
3. Participate in the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) Student Representative Network (SRN).
4. Attend WSSDA’s annual and legislative conferences, respectively, pending budget availability; following existing district policies around field trips.

Revised:  October 2023

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