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Search Policies & Procedures

2153 (P) - Non-curriculum Related Student Groups



A group of students who wish to conduct a meeting on school premises during non-instructional time will submit a request to the school principal at least five school-business days prior to the desired meeting date. The principal will grant or deny the request at least two school-business days prior to the scheduled date.

The application will provide:

A.    The name of each student who is making the request,

B.    The name of the monitor of the proposed group (if any),

C.    A description of the proposed meeting along with its stated purpose,

D.    The name(s) and affiliations of non-students (if any) who will be invited,

E.     Statements that:

1.     Students shall be voluntarily attending the meeting,

2.     Any non-students shall not be directing, conducting, controlling, or regularly attending future meetings and/or activities; and

F.     The time and frequency of meetings for the proposed group.

The principal will grant or deny the request at least two school-business days prior to the scheduled date.

The principal shall approve the non-curriculum related student meeting or activity provided that:

A.    The meeting will be voluntary and initiated by students.

B.    The school or its staff will not be a sponsor of the group.

C.    The meeting will not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly operation of the school.

D.    Students will be responsible for the direction, control, and conduct of the meeting. Guests must be registered and must not be regular participants.

E.     The use of school funds for other than incidental and/or monitoring costs will not be permitted.

F.     A staff member will not be compelled to attend when the meeting is contrary to his/her belief.

G.    The constitutional rights of all persons will be respected.

The principal shall provide a meeting location.

Revised: April 2018

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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