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State releases ESSA accountability information

Strategic Plan provides framework for addressing Every Student Succeeds Act success indicators

WALLA WALLA – This week, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) released the names of the schools identified for additional school accountability support as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In December of 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law to replace No Child Left Behind (NCLB). This new Washington State and federal accountability system, ESSA, uses nine indicators to measure school success. Each indicator score is based on the three most recent years of data.

All schools in the state received an overall composite school score, as well as composite scores for student subgroups. The elementary and middle school scores include English Language Arts (ELA) and math growth and proficiency, English Language (EL) Learner progress, and school attendance. At the high school level, scores include ELA and math proficiency, EL learner progress, graduation rates, 9th grade on-track, and advanced course-taking.

Comprehensive Support Criteria

$1·         Comprehensive supports are developed with schools that fall into the lowest performing five percent for all schools across the state or have a graduation rate below 67 percent.

$1·         Schools in Comprehensive status will receive additional support, which may include enhanced state funding, coaching, site visits, and additional resources.

$1·         Schools in Comprehensive status will remain in this category for three years. Schools may exit after two years if the criteria is met early.

Targeted Support Criteria

$1·         Targeted supports are developed with schools that have three or more student groups who fall below the five percent threshold set by all schools.

$1·         Schools that have one or two student groups that fall below the five percent threshold will receive a suite of self-directed supports to help spur continuous improvement in their schools.

$1·         Schools in Targeted status will remain in this category for three years. Schools may exit after two years if the criteria is met early.

“Washington State’s approach to working with identified schools is a more supportive model under ESSA, rather than punitive models in the past under No Child Left Behind,” said Christy Krutulis, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. “The district’s recently adopted five-year Strategic Plan is aligned with OSPI’s identified success indicators which help ensure Walla Walla students have the support they need to be college and career ready. Our reading growth this year shows we are on the right trajectory.”

In Walla Walla, the following schools were identified for Comprehensive support based on 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 school year combined data: Alternative Education Program (managed by Walla Walla Community College), Blue Ridge Elementary, Lincoln High School and Opportunity Youth Reengagement. The following schools were identified for Targeted support: Berney Elementary, Green Park Elementary, Prospect Point Elementary, Sharpstein Elementary, Garrison Middle School and Pioneer Middle School.

With the intentional focus we have put on high quality instruction and data review, we expect to witness student academic growth,” said Krutulis. “Teachers are already working collaboratively to support student growth toward meeting the expected standards and are committed to providing their students the best education possible.”


WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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