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District invests in new curriculum

District invests in new English/Language Arts curriculum for grades 6-12

The Walla Walla Public Schools School Board unanimously approved the English Language Arts (ELA) adoption of College Board’s Springboard materials for 6th -12th grade for use starting in the 2018-19 school year. “We are extremely fortunate to have a school board who supports high quality instruction. This comprehensive 6th-12th grade adoption of the Springboard materials puts all of our 6th graders on track to access Advanced Placement classes by 10th grade,” said Christy Krutulis, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning.

The adoption of Springboard is an advancement in curriculum materials for teachers to use to ensure students have access to rigorous and standards aligned materials. A comprehensive team of teachers dedicated time over the last year to ensure the best materials would be brought forth for adoption. “It’s exciting to know teachers unanimously selected College Board’s Springboard materials as a critical next step for ensuring all students graduate from Walla Walla Public Schools with the essential literacy skills to be college and career ready,” said Krutulis.

This adoption is part of the annual $500,000 investment toward new curriculum materials approved by the School Board during last spring’s Strategic Planning process. Additionally, School Board supported technology enhancements will ensure there are Chromebooks in all 6-12 ELA classrooms across the district to provide students multiple ways to engage in learning.

With an official adoption vote, materials will be ordered for teachers to have access before the end of June. There will also be two opportunities for English Language Arts teachers to engage with the new materials over three days of professional learning either in June or August.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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