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Enrollment soars in Edison Dual Language Program

Interest in the Dual Language program at Edison Elementary is at an all-time high for the 2018-2019 school year as nearly 100 kindergarten students are registered. Edison Elementary houses the district’s Dual Language program where students receive academic instruction in English and Spanish while achieving bilingual/biliterate proficiency skills. Research shows native Spanish speakers acquire higher levels of English skills through Dual Language programs, while also retaining and enhancing their native language skills. Research also indicates native English speakers more efficiently and effectively develop second language skills in Dual Language programs versus traditional foreign language classes, according to Dr. Victor Vergara, Director of Bilingual Education for Walla Walla Public Schools.

“Research shows Dual students typically outperform English-only students in the classroom, by the end of their elementary years, said Dr. Vergara. “Students develop proficiency in both languages and have increased cultural awareness and the ability to interpret cross-cultural interactions, crucial in today’s world.”

The district’s Dual Language instruction model features an 80-20 model where younger students in kindergarten and first grade receive most of their instruction in Spanish. By 4th and 5th grades the model transitions to 50 percent English and 50 percent Spanish instruction as dual students enhance their skills in both languages. Students in the Dual Language program also benefit from the ability to communicate with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Dual language programs are also available at Garrison and Pioneer Middle Schools and Walla Walla High School. This year impressively, 29 Walla Walla High School seniors earned the prestigious Seal of Biliteracy distinction on their diplomas. The Seal of Biliteracy indicates students have achieved advanced levels of proficiency in English and Spanish.

“Our goal is for the Dual Language Program students to achieve the highest levels of proficiency in English as well as Spanish, so they can comfortably be part of a multicultural world,” said Dr. Vergara. “We encourage you to stop by Edison to take a tour and witness the amazing results being achieved through our research-based Dual Language program.”

For HERE for more information.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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