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Highly Capable Referral Period

Highly Capable Referral Period scheduled for February 1 through March 1, 2019
Walla Walla School District's Highly Capable programming provide students of high academic and intellectual ability with designated time to explore concepts in greater depth. The goal of the Highly Capable Program is to encourage the development of higher level thinking skills.

Information on Highly Capable Program services and the 2019 referral process is currently available on the district website. Referral forms are available in all district schools and on the district website. The annual selection process for in-district students takes place in late winter/early spring, with referral packets due back to schools by March 1, 2019 for grades K-8. Following the testing and selection process, all parents will be notified in writing of the results of the process. A child not selected one year may be referred again in subsequent years.

Parent permission forms for kindergarten cognitive abilities screening is taking place in January. Parents will be notified of screening results and full referral forms will be distributed at conferences in February. Referred students will take the remainder of the cognitive abilities test and be reviewed for selection by the end of March so differentiated programming can be reviewed and planned for at their home schools in the spring.

Students in 2nd and 5th grade will take the cognitive abilities screener in January and results of the screening process, along with other data points, will be used to determine which students will be recommended at conference time to participate in the remainder of the cognitive abilities test. Parents will be notified of screening results and full referral forms will be distributed at conferences in February. Referred students will take the remainder of the cognitive abilities test and be reviewed for selection by the end of March so differentiated programming can be reviewed and planned for at their home schools in the spring.

Parents/guardians of students in 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th grade should be in contact with their child’s teacher(s) to determine if Highly Capable testing is recommended.

Students in grades one through eight selected for Highly Capable programming will begin services at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year. For more information, please contact Christy Krutulis, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. ckrutulis@wwps.org or 526-6733.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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