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Krivoshein leads effort to privately fund new track

A group of Walla Walla community members, led by Scott Krivoshein, are working to privately fund a new all weather track at Wa-Hi. Each year the district spends more than $10,000 transporting student-athletes to and from Martin Field for track practices and meets.

The current 50-year-old cinder track can no longer be used for track & field or physical education classes. The facility will also support band, soccer, special community events and 800 PE students a week. Krivoshein reports approximately $680,000 of the $850,000 needed for the project have already been raised.

Krivoshein says the group will take whatever people are willing to donate. He hopes to have all the funding before the end of the school year.

“Our theme has been: Leaving a Legacy for the Next Generation,” said Krivoshein. “We see other communities in our region stepping up to invest in their high school tracks and we believe Walla Walla’s students deserve the same attention.”

Make Checks Payable to: Big Blue Boosters Track Fund
Mail checks to: 6 E. Alder Suite 307

PHOTO: Class of 1983 graduate Scott Krivoshein is leading a private fundraising campaign to build a new track at Walla Walla High School.

The existing 1964 cinder track does not meet today’s competition standards and has been ruled unsafe.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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