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Pioneer student donates car to domestic violence victim

When Pioneer Middle School teacher Chris Plucker challenged students in his Leadership Class to “Go Big or Go Home” with their final project of the semester, 8th grade student Skylar “Sky” Druffel decided she would take him up on his challenge.

Druffel dreamed up the idea she would donate a used car from the money she raised during the summer picking weeds in her uncle’s wheat fields to someone who needed it. Druffel’s mother Christy is the Executive Director of the United Way in Walla Walla and her organization by chance was selling a used 1992 Ford Explorer. All the proceeds from the sale of this vehicle were then to be used to benefit local agencies supported by the United Way. After completing the legal process for the sale of the car, Sky was ready to find the perfect recipient. 

She worked with the YWCA for this task. Last week she readily turned over the keys to a single mother who has two school-aged children. Druffel said the woman was in a terribly abusive relationship and had no way to get her and her children around town.

“This project was my way to inspire people they can make a difference in someone’s life if they only try,” Druffel said. “Words can’t describe what it felt like to see her amazement when we gave her the car. Now I know she will be able to safely get her children to school and she’ll be able to get to work.”

Plucker said he encouraged his students to go big with this, and to totally blow me away. While her act was exemplary, her actions showcase the potential of all the young people here at Pioneer and within our district, according to Plucker.

“Sky's efforts demonstrate the hope we can have in tomorrow's leaders,” said Plucker. “In a time plagued with pessimism and a generally bleak outlook on the future, Sky shows that if we all cared enough to help even just one other person, we can indeed work toward an amazing tomorrow.”

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