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Access to water impacts Wa-Hi science teacher

Walla Walla High School Science Teacher Jennifer Tinker - Behind the scenes look at her classroom

“The biggest challenge in my classroom is water.  I don’t teach in a regular science classroom, so not only do I not have sinks, but I don’t have access to water.  A lot of biology labs require the use of water, whether it is part of the lab or to wash materials when you are done. 

Every time we do a lab, the students have to trek across the hall to the restrooms and fill up their beakers with water. At the end of the lab they have to go back there and clean up.  It is also not a pleasant environment for those using the bathroom while other students are trying to clean up from their lab work.  In addition to having no water in my classroom, there is also a lack of electrical outlets for using microscopes.  We don’t have the science tables or the space needed to be advancing science skills in this day and age.”  

Jennifer Tinker, Wa-Hi Science Teacher

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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