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Prospect Point takes Math Contest title

On Saturday, March 29, area 4th and 5th grade students came to Edison Elementary to compete in the Walla Walla Valley Math Contest. Berney student, Liana Osterman, took first place in the individual category, and Prospect Point Elementary earned top team honors. With the help of more than 20 volunteers including teachers, parents and community members, these students were given the chance to compete in Addition/Subtraction, Multiplication/Division, Spatial Relations/Patterns, and Problem Solving contests. The tests were scored while the students enjoyed a pizza lunch, and the awards were presented in front of many proud parents and family members. Special thanks to Edison faculty and staff for the use of their classrooms, library, and other facilities. Special thanks to Laura Schueller for coordinating the event. Although there were numerous individual and team victories, the top overall individual and teams were: Top Individuals 1. Liana Osterman – Berney 2. Braden Holgate – Berney 3. Sam Tacheny – Prospect Point Top Teams 1. Prospect Point 2. Berney 3. Green Park

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