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Youth Service America honors Garrison's Wanichek

Garrison Middle School student Allison Wanichek was selected by Youth Service America (YSA) as the Everyday Young Hero for her ongoing commitment to raising awareness about Juvenile Arthritis. Wanichek organized Wear Blue Day for Juvenile Arthritis Awareness. This districtwide activity planned the first Friday of May encourages students to wear blue in support of this important cause.

Allison’s work will be featured in YSA’s National Service Briefing, and will be highlighted on their Facebook and Twitter pages - @YouthServiceAmerica (Facebook) and @YouthService (Twitter).

“The staff was impressed by Allison’s ongoing commitment to raise awareness about Juvenile Arthritis,” said YSA President Steve Culbertson.

Click on the link below to view the YSA article:
Allison Wanichek Article

About the Every Day Young Hero Award:
Everyday Young Heroes are young people, ages 5-25, who are improving their communities through service to others. Each week, the YSA Team selects one young person to receive this honor. The chosen youth can have a project that is developed in or outside of the classroom, in conjunction with an organization or religious institution, or can be an initiative or organization they started on his or her own or with their peers. Projects can provide a direct service, be philanthropic, or raise awareness or advocacy around a particular community need.

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