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Education Support Professionals Week

Education Support Professionals Week – March 11-15

PHOTO – Human Resources Director Mindy Meyer and HR Secretary Veronica Esparza deliver cell phone chargers to classified employees in celebration of Education Support Professionals Week.

As we embark on Education Support Professionals Week, we extend our deepest gratitude to the dedicated Walla Walla Public Schools employees who form the backbone of our local schools. From the custodians who maintain clean and safe environments to the administrative staff who ensure operations run smoothly, and from the bus drivers who transport our students safely to the cafeteria workers who nourish young minds, each member of our education support team plays an indispensable role in shaping the future.

This week, we celebrate not only the hard work and dedication of our Education Support Professionals but also their unwavering commitment to the success and well-being of every student. Their tireless efforts behind the scenes often go unnoticed, yet their impact resonates profoundly within our schools and communities.

In classrooms, offices, hallways, and beyond, Education Support Professionals embody the spirit of service and excellence. They inspire, support, and uplift those around them, fostering environments where learning thrives and students flourish. Their contributions extend far beyond their job descriptions, shaping the educational experiences of countless young learners and leaving an indelible mark on generations to come.

This Education Support Professionals Week, let us honor the unsung heroes of education and express our deepest gratitude for their unwavering dedication, passion, and service. Together, let us continue to build a brighter future for all Walla Walla Public Schools students.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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