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Superintendent Carter's retirement letter

Superintendent Carter's retirement letter

October 6, 2009

Board of Directors

Walla Walla Public Schools

364 S. Park Street

Walla Walla , WA 99362

Dear Board of Directors,

Not having done this before, it is with some hesitation that I tender my resignation effective the end of this school year, June 30, 2010. After 37 years in public education; 30 years in Washington State and 10 years in Walla Walla Public Schools, I am retiring from public education. I am making this announcement early in the year so the Board of Directors will have ample time to find a suitable replacement. I hope I am able to help the new superintendent make a smooth transition.

The number of talented people that I have had the honor to work alongside are too numerous to mention here individually. But, I want all the administrators, teachers and staff to know that my success has always been based on their success. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. There are still nine months of the school year remaining and I look forward to completing the many projects that are in progress. I will continue to push for improved student achievement which has been a major emphasis of my administration.

I want to publically thank all of the school board members, especially those who hired me, for giving me the opportunity to serve the Walla Walla community and for supporting the decisions made during my administration. Together, with a caring and committed staff, we have shaped one of the highest quality educational institutions in the state; one that we can all be proud of. I also want to thank the many parents and community members who have served unselfishly on numerous committees over the years. The work of these people provided excellent advice and guidance which helped shape district decisions for future generations.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the handful of leaders at the central office who have served in my Cabinet over the years. They hold tough jobs that require creative talents to find solutions that cannot be found in any textbook. These leaders are good people who I respect and enjoy working with on a daily basis.

When the end of the year finally arrives, it is my greatest hope that the legacy I leave in the Walla Walla Public Schools is a stronger organization than when I arrived. Thank you to everyone for the guidance and support given to me during my superintendency in Walla Walla , and a special thanks to my assistants Marilyn Brown and Betsy Adkins.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Richard Carter


WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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