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Carter presents progress report to Facilities Task Force

Carter presents progress report to Facilities Task Force
Thursday evening Superintendent Rich Carter met with the district's Community Facilities Task Force to offer a progress report and discuss future needs.

Carter updated the group, chaired by Dan Reid, on the Edison project, SE Washington Transportation Cooperative, Support Services facility and proposed future High School Skills Center.

He also reviewed safety improvements as a result of sidewalk improvements at Pioneer and near Garrison. Carter also reported security cameras are being installed at Pioneer and Garrison Middle Schools and caution flashing lights have been installed near several schools.

Task Force members discussed future planning efforts, recruitment of new members and a schedule for new recommendations. All five community members agreed to continue serving on the Task Force. Dan Reid will continue chairing the Task Force. Recruitment of new Task Force members will begin this fall in preparation of a district-wide facilities study this school year.

Task Force Next Steps:
- Recruit new members
- Review past Task Force reports
- Identify functions of Task Force for 2009-2010 work
- Organize 2009-2010 meeting schedule
- Present recommendations to school board June 1, 2010

Task Force Voting Members
- Community members (10)
- Parents (2)
- Classified Staff (1)
- Certificated Teacher (1)
- Principal (1)
- Central Office Administrator (1)

Task Force Non-Voting Members
- Chief Financial Officer
- Plant Facilities Director
- Facilities Support Director
- Superintendent
- School Board Member(s)
- Communications Director
- Task Force Secretary (assigned by Superintendent)

Members in attendance Thursday evening:
Dan Reid, Chair
Jim Dumont
Darcy Fugman-Small
Mary Koch
Jim Peterson
Pat Johnston
Lowell Schneider
Rich Carter
Anne Golden
Cindy Meyer
Mary Jo Geidl
Bill Jordan
Mark Higgins

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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