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Pioneer project surfaces as HVAC grant talks continue

Pioneer project surfaces as HVAC grant talks continue
The district continues discussions on whether to apply for a $500,000 state grant to improve Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems in the district.

The district has been considering applying for the funds to help pay for a possible $1.3 million HVAC and lighting system project at Walla Walla High School's main academic building.

School board members during the October 20 meeting asked the district to research the possibility of additional projects to consider. Last night Chief Financial Officer Pat Johnston reported on a possible project at Pioneer Middle School which would replace a 60-year-old boiler and install air conditioning in the 8th grade wing, hallways, entrance, gym and locker rooms.

Air conditioning was not installed in these areas during the restoration of the school following the 1990 fire. The Pioneer project would also include new lighting in many areas of the school. Pioneer's boiler is showing signs of failure and is inefficient, according to Johnston's report.

Also at the Oct. 20 board meeting, school board members asked the district to survey Walla Walla High School staff to get their input on the potential Wa-Hi project. Walla Walla High School staff responded in favor of the project.

A total of 110 Wa-Hi staff members took the survey. Survey results revealed 54% strongly agree the district should pursue the project and another 27% agree with the proposal. Forty-five staff members provided written comments as well. Superintendent Rich Carter read some of the comments to board members, which ranged from very supportive to not supportive at all.

Pacific Power is also offering a $65,000 grant to help fund projects the district may decide to pursue. The district would be responsible for funding the remaining approximately $750,000. Johnston says improved energy efficiencies would pay for the district's portion of the project over time.

Johnston said the district has several funding options, including zero interest bonds, non-voted general bonds, existing remaining funds from the Edison construction project or borrowing money from the State Treasury.

No decisions were made last night. The school board has called for a special work session Tuesday, Nov. 17 to further discuss and study the issue. The district has until December 4 to apply for the state grant.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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