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Walla Walla Public Schools reinstates 5th grade boys and girls basketball program

Walla Walla Public Schools will offer free 5th grade boys and girls basketball this school year at all six district elementary schools after a one year absence due to budget cuts.

Superintendent Mick Miller reinstated the program after district enrollment counts this fall were more than 100 students above budgeted projections.

"It's important for the school district to offer students positive and meaningful programs outside of the traditional school day," Miller said. "This program has a long and successful tradition in Walla Walla and, although we are not out of the recession, this is something we felt strongly we needed to bring back to our students and community this school year."

Boys' basketball will be held November 1 to December 17 and girls' basketball will be held January 3 to February 15. The 5th grade boys and girls basketball program is approximately $20,000 per year to operate and nearly 250 students are expected to participate.

"For some students this is their first experience playing organized basketball," Prospect Point Principal Chris Gardea said. "An important part of this program's success has been the involvement of on-site coaches.  They encourage and promote students to get involved, have fun, and learn about the game.  It is something that our students really look forward to doing, and it is exciting to hear that it is coming back."

For more information, contact Mark Higgins at 526-6716 or by e-mail at: mhiggins@wwps.org

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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