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State official visits Walla Walla to discuss Prospect Point Safe Routes to School grant request

Washington State Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Coordinator Charlotte Claybrooke traveled from Olympia to Walla Walla Thursday to meet with Superintendent Mick Miller, Prospect Point Principal Chris Gardea, Walla Walla County Public Works officials, law enforcement officers and concerned parents about the $330,000 Prospect Point Safe Routes to School grant request.

The Walla Walla County Public Works Department submitted the grant request to secure some of the funding needed to make sidewalk, signs, bridge, roadway and bike lane improvements on Reser Road from Howard to Fern Streets. These streets provide access to Prospect Point Elementary and Walla Walla High School and are heavily used by students and families. Walla Walla County is seeking funds from other sources to complete the project.

Claybrooke said the Prospect Point Safe Routes project competes well with the nearly 150 projects which have been submitted from cities across the state. She said Walla Walla Public Schools willingness to partner on the education component of the project and the county's ability to accept the enforcement requirements improve the chances of the grant being funded.

 Claybrooke said she was also impressed with the outpouring of community involvement for safe school routes initiatives.

"Community enthusiasm makes a big difference on Safe Routes to School grant requests," Claybrooke said.

Funding requests will go to legislators during the next legislative session. Claybrooke said a funding decision would be made by June 2011.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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