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Community Council gang study begins November 3 -- Public invited to participate

"How can prevention efforts reduce gang membership and the impacts of gang activity in the region?" That question will guide the 2010-11 Community Council Study Committee in its quest to address a serious issue for this region.

The study will begin November 3 and meet each Wednesday through May 2011 between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the YWCA, 213 S. First Street, Walla Walla. Everyone interested in learning about gangs and in finding ways to prevent gang membership is encouraged to attend.

Rick Griffin, Executive Director of Jubilee Youth Ranch near Prescott, explained why he is chairing the study:
"The Walla Walla area has always been considered a great place to raise kids. Recently, it has gained a wonderful reputation as a vibrant cultural hotspot for wine enthusiasts.

All of this is great for business development and tourism. However, a stray bullet from a gang member's gun killing an innocent bystander changes the perception of our community instantly. After reading the U-B articles on gangs in the area this summer, I believe we are creeping ever closer to just such a tragedy.

"When I think about that as a real possibility an old adage comes to mind, 'if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.' That is exactly why I accepted the responsibility as chairperson for this year"s Community Council study.

In my work at Jubilee Youth Ranch, I see first-hand the problem that gangs create for individuals, families, and communities. The fractured lives of many of the young men we serve bear witness of the problem. I want to be part of the solution."

Through a series of presentations, the study will assess the scope of regional gang involvement, explore reasons for gang membership, assess gang prevention activities and programs currently in place, identify needs, and research programs successfully employed by other communities to counter gang recruitment. Presentations will cover the topic from many perspectives.

The committee will complete their work by recommending a comprehensive plan of action to prevent or reduce gang membership in this region. A report summarizing the committee's findings, conclusions and recommendations will be published and reported to the community next summer. Summaries of each study session and the final report will be available at Community Council's website, www.wwcommunitycouncil.org.

Upon adoption of the final study report, Community Council will support a two-year effort to implement the study committee's recommendations for action. Reducing Gang Membership Through Prevention is the third study facilitated by Community Council. A task force led by Judge Robert Zagelow is entering its second year of addressing recommendations aimed at enhancing the educational attainment of our region's children, the first study focus.

Another committee chaired by Mark James will be working on issues related to value-adding businesses that use agricultural products, the study just finalized in September.

Community Council was organized in 2008 to inspire a citizen-driven, consensus-based, problem-solving process to prepare the region for future growth, change, and challenges and to enhance the quality of life for everyone.

For additional information about the organization or this study, call Julie Reese, Community Council Executive Director, 509-540-6720.

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